Georgetown University Law Center, J.D. 2018
Lawrence University, B.A. cum laude, 2014

Bryan G. Lesser has extensive experience with all phases of litigation including pleadings, discovery, depositions, dispositive motions, expert discovery, trials, and appeals. Bryan has argued multiple cases in front of the Illinois Supreme Court.

As a litigator, Bryan represents clients in state and federal court in a wide range of matters, including first amendment issues, defamation, breaches of fiduciary duty, copyright infringement, and fraud. As a Certified Information Privacy Professional, Bryan has experience with digital privacy violations, data protection concerns, and consumer class actions.

Prior to joining Mandell Menkes, Bryan worked for one of the largest law firms in the United States. In his free time, Bryan is an accomplished musician and singer-songwriter, as well as an intermediate computer programmer. He believes that above all else, good lawyers find solutions.

Record Labels Shot the Artists, but They Did Not Share the Equity, 16 Geo. J. L. & Pub. Pol’y 289 (2018).
A Tender You Can’t Refuse, 111 Ill. B.J. 30 (2023).

United States District Court, Northern District of Illinois
United States District Court, Central District of Illinois
United States District Court, Northern District of Indiana
United States District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin
Not a licensee of the State Bar of California

American Bar Association
Illinois State Bar Association
Chicago Bar Association
International Association of Privacy Professionals
ABA Forum on Communications Law
Media Law Resource Center

CIPP/US – Certified Information Privacy Professional (US)