
Mandell Menkes lawyers have extensive experience in and are at the cutting-edge of the evolving E-Discovery landscape.  We regularly speak at conferences on E-Discovery issues, strategies, and ethical considerations.  In addition, we are involved in numerous groups that are attempting to develop uniform standards for the production and use of electronic documents.


E-Discovery costs are increasingly becoming a major driving factor in litigation.  Recent studies have shown that E-Discovery costs comprise 75%-90% of the total legal fees in complex commercial litigation.  Additionally, courts are not reticent to sanction parties for failure to produce and/or identify responsive electronic documents.


Mandell Menkes lawyers both have the experience and the technical expertise to assist you in navigating the E-Discovery minefield in the most cost-effective manner possible.  We have innovative strategies for procuring, reviewing, and processing electronic documents that can both lower cost and increase comprehension of such voluminous electronic information.  In fact, Mandell Menkes has partnered with industry experts to create an E-Discovery consulting firm – Esicon Consulting LLC – to help deal with E-Discovery issues strategically and tactically, both before and during litigation.  Mandell Menkes and Esicon can help clients by assessing litigation readiness, optimizing electronic stored information (“ESI”) environments, developing strategies for productions in litigation, and managing e-discovery projects (such as preservation efforts, forensic collection of documents, optimization of review costs with search design, technology and effective project management).