McHenry County Recorder Joseph Tirio, who is running for McHenry County Clerk, has filed an Ill. Sup. Ct. R. 244 Petition seeking the identity of the individual(s) responsible for publishing the content on three campaign flyers circulated in the months leading up to the Republican primary in the spring of 2018. The Petition requests an order requiring Breaker Press Co., Inc.—the company listed as having paid the postage on the flyers—and Tirio’s unsuccessful opponent in the primary, Janice Dalton, to disclose the identity of individuals associated with the Illinois Integrity Fund, the group behind the flyers. Mandell Menkes represents Breaker Press and Dalton, who object to the Petition on the grounds that the underlying speech is protected by the First Amendment and forcing disclosure of the speakers’ identities infringes on their constitutional right to engage in anonymous speech. Read the article here: Chicago Attorney Objects To Probe Of Anonymous Group Behind McHenry County Campaign Ads
Photo from featured Northwest Herald article